0 Online
Provably Fair
Select a game from the list below to learn about how we ensure that the results are always random and never tampered with.
selfie-games.online uses provably fair method, that doesn't allow us to manipulate the outcome once the game is started, below you can see how the outputs are caluclated.
You can execute the code straight from your browser with tools such as this NodeJS tester. Simply replace all parameters with the ones in the round you want to check.
This is a passphrase or a randomly generated string that is determined by the player or their browser. This can be edited and changed regularly by yourself.
Client Seed
This field is required
To reveal the hashed server seed, the seed must be rotated by the player, which triggers the replacement with a newly generated seed. From this point you are able to verify any bets made with the previous server seed to verify both the legitimacy of the server seed with the encrypted hash that was provided.
You can validate hashed server seed using this script. The hashed server seed is a SHA-256 hash of the seed so after you unhash it, you can check that it matches with the hashed version.
Server Seed Hashed
This field is required
You can validate hashed server seed using this script. The hashed server seed is a SHA-256 hash of the seed so after you unhash it, you can check that it matches with the hashed version.
var sha256 = require('sha256');
var seed = 'f0c82c85ba6ef5cbba7406db81ee5451a1a795120e335116dc637d34a105e6e6';
function fair_getHash256(seed){
return sha256(seed);
console.log('Hashed: ' + fair_getHash256(seed));
Server Seed
Created At
No data found
Roulette Game
Each section of the roll is assigned a number - and there are 15 potential numbers to land on. The resulting number from each spin is determined by a combination of three individual elements, which are fed into an algorithm:
Client seed is SHA-256 hash generated daily from random 32 bytes. We show it to you the moment it's generated.
Server seed is SHA-256 hash generated daily from random 32 bytes. We show you the encrypted version while it's in use.
The nonce is based on numbers that is the round id. The first round ever played would have an nonce of 1. This number increases by 1 for each new round. The nonce's job in generating outcomes is to ensure that, even when the same public seed and server seed combination are used, the outcome generated in the next game would still be different, since the seed combination is paired with a unique nonce, the nonce for each game is always different, since the round id would have increased by one for every new game played.
Since each roll, or outcome, is generated using cryptographically-secure randomness, the probability of a particular outcome will never change - even if you play 100,000,000 times. There’s no pattern or method used to determine which number will hit next - it’s sheer randomness.
Today's server seed is currently in-use, therefore it is a secret and only the encrypted seed (hash) is visible to you. You can not verify today's results until the day is over and the (unhashed) server seed has been revealed.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll_server_seed = 'aed859a82f458f3111fb8dd813001a65a9d88fce5004a37a3648a4f3c745e9df';
var roll_public_seed = '3e2a4be2d0eb744ea4b07b2773f881f035f84f5fcb1880ceb25929ad7563df34';
var roll_nonce = 0;
function fair_getCombinedSeed(server_seed, public_seed, nonce) {
return [server_seed, public_seed, nonce].join('-');
function fair_generateSaltHash(seed) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', seed).digest('hex');
function fair_getRoll(salt, max) {
return Math.abs(parseInt(salt.substr(0, 12), 16)) % max;
var generated_seed = fair_getCombinedSeed(roll_server_seed, roll_public_seed, roll_nonce);
var generated_salt = fair_generateSaltHash(generated_seed);
var generated_roll = fair_getRoll(generated_salt, 15);
console.log('Roll: ' + generated_roll);
Server Seed
Public Seed
17 September 2024, 01:24 AM
(hashed) 32863dc86417dc5313c396d4240f770077d23296d33d50859df072c27987d6b5
1818457 - 1819528
16 September 2024, 01:23 AM
1815676 - 1818456
15 September 2024, 01:23 AM
1812896 - 1815675
14 September 2024, 01:23 AM
1810116 - 1812895
13 September 2024, 01:23 AM
1807336 - 1810115
12 September 2024, 01:22 AM
1804555 - 1807335
11 September 2024, 01:22 AM
1801775 - 1804554
Crash Game
Each section of the roll is assigned a number - greater than or equal to 1.00 to land on. The resulting number from each crash is determined by a combination of three individual elements, which are fed into an algorithm:
Client seed is SHA-256 hash generated daily from random 32 bytes. We show it to you the moment it's generated.
Server seed is SHA-256 hash generated daily from random 32 bytes. We show you the encrypted version while it's in use.
The nonce is based on numbers that is the round id. The first round ever played would have an nonce of 1. This number increases by 1 for each new round. The nonce's job in generating outcomes is to ensure that, even when the same public seed and server seed combination are used, the outcome generated in the next game would still be different, since the seed combination is paired with a unique nonce, the nonce for each game is always different, since the round id would have increased by one for every new game played.
Since each roll, or outcome, is generated using cryptographically-secure randomness, the probability of a particular outcome will never change - even if you play 100,000,000 times. There’s no pattern or method used to determine which number will hit next - it’s sheer randomness.
Today's server seed is currently in-use, therefore it is a secret and only the encrypted seed (hash) is visible to you. You can not verify today's results until the day is over and the (unhashed) server seed has been revealed.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll_server_seed = 'e581f85cab4f8f4ee22afc82b8299c4bd7f132049c9212b32e989b798246ac31';
var roll_public_seed = '1b233defb3b6acc3ead30a62ded768e8db9950bb922db728f44dcf9fb464d21e';
var roll_nonce = 0;
function fair_getCombinedSeed(server_seed, public_seed, nonce) {
return [server_seed, public_seed, nonce].join('-');
function fair_generateSaltHash(seed) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', seed).digest('hex');
function fair_getRollCrash(salt){
// Use the most significant 52-bit from the salt to calculate the crash point
var h = parseInt(salt.slice(0, 52 / 4), 16);
var e = Math.pow(2, 52);
var result = (100 * e - h) / (e - h);
// INSTANT_CRASH_PERCENTAGE of 5.00 will result in modifier of 0.95 = 5.00% house edge with a lowest crashpoint of 1.00x
var houseEdgeModifier = 1 - INSTANT_CRASH_PERCENTAGE / 100;
var endResult = Math.max(100, result * houseEdgeModifier);
return Math.floor(endResult);
var generated_seed = fair_getCombinedSeed(roll_server_seed, roll_public_seed, roll_nonce);
var generated_salt = fair_generateSaltHash(generated_seed);
var generated_roll = (fair_getRollCrash(generated_salt) / 100).toFixed(2);
console.log('Roll: ' + generated_roll);
Server Seed
Public Seed
17 September 2024, 01:36 AM
(hashed) 1289ab349a803e0fb6f1cb6743389081f0a25b9aae2ad6d669fbbbe198d036c1
2113624 - 2114858
16 September 2024, 01:36 AM
2110367 - 2113623
15 September 2024, 01:36 AM
2107087 - 2110366
14 September 2024, 01:36 AM
2103820 - 2107086
13 September 2024, 01:35 AM
2100564 - 2103819
12 September 2024, 01:35 AM
2097307 - 2100563
11 September 2024, 01:34 AM
2094077 - 2097306
Minesweeper Game
In the Provably Fair tab, you can change the client seed and regenerate the server seed.
Server seed is SHA-256 hash generated from random 32 bytes. You can regenerate server seed in any time. You cannot see the original server seed, yet you will be able to check that it was unmodified later after regenerating the server seed.
Client seed is generated first time for user, same way like server seed. As the client seed affects every roll result, changing it to any seed of your choice at any time means you can ensure that it's impossible for us to manipulate the result.
However, the SHA-256 function we use to generate the roll is deterministic, if the client seed is combined with the same server seed, it will generate exactly the same roll result every time. This could be used to abuse the system, so we use something called a 'nonce' which prevents this from being abusable. Each roll done using the same server seed & client seed pair will also be paired with a different nonce, which is simply a number starting at 0 and incremented by 1 for each roll done.
The nonce is based on numbers that we can't manipulate (they naturally increment by 1 after each roll).
SHA-256 returns the hash value for the salt hash combination in a hex-encoded form. We then take the first 8 characters from this hash and convert this hex string to a number.
A mine game is generated with 24 separate salts. Each salt is generated by using the index of tile from board and the main salt who is generated using the server seed, client seed and the nonce. Each output is multiplied by the number of possible unique tiles still remaining on the board. This is done by subtracting the number of tiles remaining by 1 for each iteration game result generated using the corresponding output provided. The location of the mine is plotted using a grid position from left to right, top to bottom.
The fisher-yates shuffle implementation is utilised to prevent duplicate possible hits being generated. Between 1 and 24 game results are used, based on the settings chosen.
Each roll can be verified using this formula as soon as you have revealed your server seed for the previous rolls. The published unhashed server seeds can be checked by simply applying the SHA-256 function to it, this will produce the previously published hashed version of the server seed, which was made visible to you before any roll using it was ever made. Each user can check the integrity of every roll made using this information.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll_server_seed = '2c3eea4603280f3cadfb0046b248e7b756930b0b6886997ac73f96d478c823f3';
var roll_client_seed = '0b3eeb63c10796f00e3faff36207b369';
var roll_nonce = 43;
function fair_getCombinedSeed(server_seed, public_seed, nonce) {
return [server_seed, public_seed, nonce].join('-');
function fair_generateSaltHash(seed) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', seed).digest('hex');
function fair_getRoll(salt, max) {
return Math.abs(parseInt(salt.substr(0, 12), 16)) % max;
function fair_getShuffle(salt, max) {
//Set shuffle inexes
var array = [];
for(var i = 0; i < max; i++) array.push(i);
//Fisher-yates shuffle implementation
var k = 0;
for(var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--, k++) {
var salt_possition = fair_generateSaltHash(salt + '-' + k);
var roll = fair_getRoll(salt_possition, Math.pow(10, 8)) / Math.pow(10, 8);
var j = Math.floor(roll * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
return array;
var generated_seed = fair_getCombinedSeed(roll_server_seed, roll_client_seed, roll_nonce);
var generated_salt = fair_generateSaltHash(generated_seed);
var generated_array = fair_getShuffle(generated_salt, 25);
var generated_roll = '';
if(item < 10) generated_roll += '0' + item;
else generated_roll += item;
console.log('Roll: ' + generated_roll);
Server Seed
Client Seed
No data found
Tower Game
In the Provably Fair tab, you can change the client seed and regenerate the server seed.
Server seed is SHA-256 hash generated from random 32 bytes. You can regenerate server seed in any time. You cannot see the original server seed, yet you will be able to check that it was unmodified later after regenerating the server seed.
Client seed is generated first time for user, same way like server seed. As the client seed affects every roll result, changing it to any seed of your choice at any time means you can ensure that it's impossible for us to manipulate the result.
However, the SHA-256 function we use to generate the roll is deterministic, if the client seed is combined with the same server seed, it will generate exactly the same roll result every time. This could be used to abuse the system, so we use something called a 'nonce' which prevents this from being abusable. Each roll done using the same server seed & client seed pair will also be paired with a different nonce, which is simply a number starting at 0 and incremented by 1 for each roll done.
The nonce is based on numbers that we can't manipulate (they naturally increment by 1 after each roll).
SHA-256 returns the hash value for the salt hash combination in a hex-encoded form. We then take the first 8 characters from this hash and convert this hex string to a number.
A tower game is generated with 10 separate salts. Each salt is generated by using the index of stage from board and the main salt who is generated using the server seed, client seed and the nonce. We apply for each output a modulus of 3 to this number, giving us a number in the range of 0-2, which represent the index of tile for a wrong move. The location of the tile is plotted using a grid position from bottom to top, left to right.
Each roll can be verified using this formula as soon as you have revealed your server seed for the previous rolls. The published unhashed server seeds can be checked by simply applying the SHA-256 function to it, this will produce the previously published hashed version of the server seed, which was made visible to you before any roll using it was ever made. Each user can check the integrity of every roll made using this information.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll_server_seed = '2c3eea4603280f3cadfb0046b248e7b756930b0b6886997ac73f96d478c823f3';
var roll_client_seed = '0b3eeb63c10796f00e3faff36207b369';
var roll_nonce = 45;
function fair_getCombinedSeed(server_seed, public_seed, nonce) {
return [server_seed, public_seed, nonce].join('-');
function fair_generateSaltHash(seed) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', seed).digest('hex');
function fair_getRoll(salt, max) {
return Math.abs(parseInt(salt.substr(0, 12), 16)) % max;
function fair_getRollTower(salt) {
var array = [];
//Get tower roll by stage
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
var salt_possition = fair_generateSaltHash(salt + '-' + i);
var roll = fair_getRoll(salt_possition, 3);
return array;
var generated_seed = fair_getCombinedSeed(roll_server_seed, roll_client_seed, roll_nonce);
var generated_salt = fair_generateSaltHash(generated_seed);
var generated_array = fair_getRollTower(generated_salt);
var generated_roll = generated_array.join('');
console.log('Roll: ' + generated_roll);
Server Seed
Client Seed
No data found
Plinko Game
In the Provably Fair tab, you can change the client seed and regenerate the server seed.
Server seed is SHA-256 hash generated from random 32 bytes. You can regenerate server seed in any time. You cannot see the original server seed, yet you will be able to check that it was unmodified later after regenerating the server seed.
Client seed is generated first time for user, same way like server seed. As the client seed affects every roll result, changing it to any seed of your choice at any time means you can ensure that it's impossible for us to manipulate the result.
However, the SHA-256 function we use to generate the roll is deterministic, if the client seed is combined with the same server seed, it will generate exactly the same roll result every time. This could be used to abuse the system, so we use something called a 'nonce' which prevents this from being abusable. Each roll done using the same server seed & client seed pair will also be paired with a different nonce, which is simply a number starting at 0 and incremented by 1 for each roll done.
The nonce is based on numbers that we can't manipulate (they naturally increment by 1 after each roll).
SHA-256 returns the hash value for the salt hash combination in a hex-encoded form. We then take the first 8 characters from this hash and convert this hex string to a number.
A plinko game is generated with 14 separate salts. Each salt is generated by using the index of stage from board and the main salt who is generated using the server seed, client seed and the nonce. We apply for each output a modulus of 2 to this number, giving us a number in the range of 0-1, which represent the next move of ball (left = 0 or right = 1).
Each roll can be verified using this formula as soon as you have revealed your server seed for the previous rolls. The published unhashed server seeds can be checked by simply applying the SHA-256 function to it, this will produce the previously published hashed version of the server seed, which was made visible to you before any roll using it was ever made. Each user can check the integrity of every roll made using this information.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll_server_seed = '2c3eea4603280f3cadfb0046b248e7b756930b0b6886997ac73f96d478c823f3';
var roll_client_seed = '0b3eeb63c10796f00e3faff36207b369';
var roll_nonce = 59;
function fair_getCombinedSeed(server_seed, public_seed, nonce) {
return [server_seed, public_seed, nonce].join('-');
function fair_generateSaltHash(seed) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', seed).digest('hex');
function fair_getRoll(salt, max) {
return Math.abs(parseInt(salt.substr(0, 12), 16)) % max;
function fair_getRollPlinko(salt) {
var array = [];
//Get plinko roll by stage
for(var i = 0; i < 14; i++){
var salt_possition = fair_generateSaltHash(salt + '-' + i);
var roll = fair_getRoll(salt_possition, 2);
return array;
var generated_seed = fair_getCombinedSeed(roll_server_seed, roll_client_seed, roll_nonce);
var generated_salt = fair_generateSaltHash(generated_seed);
var generated_array = fair_getRollPlinko(generated_salt);
var generated_roll = generated_array.join('');
console.log('Roll: ' + generated_roll);
Server Seed
Client Seed
No data found